Primary News

News from the Primary Coordinator

Welcome back to Term 2!

Again it has been wonderful to welcome our new students and their families to our school. We hope that your journey with us at Sirius will not only be one of success but an adventure filled with many enjoyable and memorable moments.

This term the students were over the moon when they arrived to school to be greeted by their new “school pets” our chickens. Each class now has their own chicken (all chickens were given names by students from each class) in which they will watch closely and monitor.

Some of the students have already had the opportunity to get up close and personal and hold and feed the chooks as well.

We have also started our own Staff Vegetable Patch in which the students have been eagerly observing and will hopefully become part of later on.

Also, later this term, we are hoping to work alongside with the City of Greater Dandenong Council on a Waste Minimisation Education Program for the students. The program will aim at looking at keeping the environment clean and become more ‘environmentally friendly’ by teaching children about composting (and having our own compost at school) having separate organic waste bins in classes (for scraps which we can use for gardening and feeding the chooks) and also have our own worm farm.

Our focus in classes has been Australian History this term and all students have been busily learning all about our history including Australia as a nation, Australian Colonies and even ANZAC Day. We had special rosemary badges for students and also the Iconic Performers who came out to perform and re-enact WW1 at Gallipoli for the upper students which had a great impact on the student’s awareness of what happened during war.

This term the students have also started their Athletics Program once a week on Mondays where they have been focusing on specific skills in order to prepare for the upcoming Athletics Carnival.

For the remainder of the term, the students will continue with Geography in class and take part in many other activities that will help their understanding.

Please enjoy the photos that the teachers have provided from activities that the students have taken part in, in and out of the school.

Mrs Yesim Basturk